Artistic movement is such a big part of our lives! Not only does it teach my daughters to be great dancers, it teaches them life lessons. Christina guides and encourages her dancers to be the best versions of themselves. To be great people in all aspects of life. As my daughters are approaching their teenage years I am so grateful that they have an outlet like Artistic Movement. It is a place where they can be themselves, have some laughs, work hard and lead them to greatness.
~ Kate Wade, Mom to dancers Heidi, Lexi, Tessa, and Quinn
Part of the family since 2015
Miss Christina and the staff at Artistic Movement have been incredible to work with! We have just completed our first season of dance at this studio after having trying out two other dance studios in the past few years and I’ve never seen my daughter happier or more excited for dance. Her confidence has increased exponentially, she looks forward to each class and comes happily bouncing out after each session. There is an emphasis on collaboration and mentorship within different levels and age groups, which I believe teaches the students tremendous life skills, even beyond dance. We are so grateful for this experience.
~ Jenne Todd, Mom to dancer Olivia
Part of the family since 2019
Christina Cannella is the kind of teacher that ever young artist needs. She instills in her students a love of work, technique and discipline that will carry them out into the world with confidence and skill, whether they choose to pursue the arts or not. Christina balances this drive with a thoughtful and playful exploration of movement that encourages her dancers to be more than choreographed puppets; she teaches them to be artists. I would highly recommend Artistic Movement for the excellent quality of teaching and training that Christina pours into her students. I have been consistently impressed with the breadth of skill that her dancers bring to their craft, both as an audience member and a choreographer. Beyond all this, Christina really cares and invests in her students. She will always have a special place in my heart.
~ Greg Borris, Artistic Movement Graduate 2011
Our daughter started at Artistic Movement in 2015, and we cannot say enough positive things about the studio. All of the teachers are engaging, patient, and supremely talented, which is evident during the year-end recital (which is truly a delight to attend)! The wide variety of classes has allowed our daughter to explore her creative and expressive side, and she looks forward to each and every lesson throughout the year. Her skill and confidence as a dancer continues to flourish, making her a strong and able young woman inside and outside of the studio. I cannot wait to see how she continues to grow and be inspired by her friends and teachers at Artistic Movement in the years to come!
~ Jennifer Tellier, Mom to dancer Amber Part of the family since 2015
Artistic Movement teaches creativity and the expansion of goals and boundaries beyond what any other studio has been able to offer me as a dancer. The work is strategic and the dancer’s personal goals are consistently developed whether in barre work, improv or choreography. I always felt pushed to do better than my best while also feeling supported by the staff and dance peers thanks to the beloved sense of community the team creates with the students. Not only did I jump head first off a recital stage front, but there was not a single doubt that I'd be caught on the way down.
~ Hayley Matheson, former Faculty Member and Artistic Movement Graduate 2012
It would be my wish that every child be given the opportunity to dance at least one season with Artistic Movement. Christina is much more than a dance teacher. She is an artist, a visionary, a mentor and an inspiration to young people whose kindness and compassion knows no limits. As a result, Artistic Movement is the birthplace of friendship, of creativity, of confidence and of respect. We are blessed to have this opportunity for the youth in our community. Thank you Christina! ~ Pam Thornton, mother of two lucky dancers Sophie and Emma Part of the family since
We are thankful to have been encouraged to “check out” Artistic Movements recital 7 years ago, to see if it would be the right fit for us. We were blown away by the performance as it is unlike any dance recital we had ever been to! Artistic Movement is more then a dance studio, it’s a family and we love how the young dancers look up to the senior dancers who lead by example. Mackenzie loves her time in class and we eagerly anticipate the recital each year!Thank you Miss Christina for creating a space that is safe, loving and encouraging.
~ Jennifer Pullen, Mom to dancer Mackenzie
Part of the family since
“Dancing is just discovery,discovery, discovery” Martha Graham.
Discovering who they were as young women, in a safe and inspirational place. Discovering the gift of an artistic community. Discovering how strong, how committed, how beautiful they are, where they believe in themselves and support one another. This is just a snapshot of what is Artistic Movement. Thank you Christina and staff.
~ Mary Dallan, Mom to Jenny and Megan, Artistic Movement Graduates 2015
Dancing at the studio for over 5 years now, Lila has grown and gained confidence in daily life and as a dancer. This comes from being on stage surrounded by peers and mentors who teach and support each other, and that can’t be replaced. Miss Christina and her staff have created an environment that is all inclusive, fun, and creative. The end of year show is always amazing and “Artistic”. To this day I can’t listen to Katy Perry’s “Firework” song without tearing up thinking of my tiny ballerina as a Paper bag Princess.
~ Dava Oliveira, Mom to dancer Lila
Part of the family since 2015
We have been with Artistic Movement since 2013. Both of our daughters began dancing here when they were three, and each year, they become closer and closer to this dance family they are so happy to be a part of. Christina and her staff provide the highest quality of technique and dance instruction, but that is not the only reason that we choose Artistic Movement; we know that when our girls go to dance each week, they are being taught far more than extension and strength. They are being taught how important it is to involve creativity, artistry, and trust in their lives. They learn that it is more than okay to take risks and be vulnerable because Artistic Movement is a safe place where they will be encouraged to do so without fear of failure. Artistic Movement teaches kids so much more than how to dance; it teaches them how to love dance.
~ Rich & Victoria Thompson, parents to Alanna and Fiona
Part of the family since 2013
This is my daughter’s second year at Artistic Movement with Miss Christina. Aleisha has had many opportunities to be under Miss Christina’s tutelage because of her involvement with community theatre and high school theatre programs. Since joining Artistic Movement’s dance family Aleisha’s confidence and ability to dance for Music Theatre has vastly improved. She loves going to class and dancing with her peers. Aleisha’s first term at dance was met with a tragedy that hit close to home. It was now her turn, our turn, to help or just be there for
others whom were grieving. This taught her to help and persevere when tragedy strikes and
not to give up or quit. The Show must go on!!! Thanks to Artistic Movement for great
experiences, with excellent teachers and fun times!!!
~ Elaine Brenneman, Mom to Aleisha
Part of the family since 2018
Our daughter, Chloe has been a dancer at Artistic Movement since 2015. We cannot thank Christina and staff enough for cultivating an inclusive atmosphere that fosters personal growth, self-confidence, creativity and a love of music and dance in all of their students. Chloe has not only become a stronger dancer but she has developed into a confident and caring young adult with the help of your approach. Thank you for the memories and lifelong friendships!
~Stephanie and Chris White, Parents to dancer Chloe, Artistic Movement Graduate 2019
When we were adopting our child some years ago, I prayed that we would be matched with a child who would want to try different activities that could enrich her life. Our wish came true. When I watch my daughter perform in the Artistic Movement Productions, I am overwhelmed with thoughts of appreciation. Appreciation for the quality of dance expression and instruction, appreciation for the dance community that she is part of, appreciation for the opportunities that my daughter has had to learn leadership skills and the opportunities that this studio embraces as its members come together to face/discuss real-life challenges. We never know the direction that each of our children's lives will take us. I am so very thankful that Artistic Movement has been a significant part of our lives for so many years and I always recommend other families to consider being part of this studio. It has been quite amazing, over the years, to watch the dancers mature into such strong, confident and graceful young adults. We have enrolled our daughter into many different types of activities, she found a home at Artistic Movement
~ Cathy Marray, Mom to Corinne
Part of the family since 2010
Our daughter has been dancing with Artistic Movement for three seasons now. Growing up a dancer myself, I was somewhat particular when choosing a studio. We could not be happier with our decision to enrol our daughter at Artistic Movement. The staff focus on technique but more importantly, the atmosphere encourages teamwork and respect for dance as an art form. This is evidenced by the absolutely AMAZING productions put on at the end of each year. They are truly spectacular and always follow an engaging and relevant theme. We are also very grateful for the exceptional staff who have always been patient and encouraging with our timid little dancer!
~ Lindsay King, Mom to Aven
Part of the family since 2016
It feels like Artistic Movement has been such a large part of our lives for many years. The dancers, their families and faculty have all felt like a second family to my girls. Grace and Julia have learned so much about dance but also about life during their years at Artistic Movement. They have made meaningful friendships and have had the opportunity to learn life lessons from a variety of strong women. Participating in the programs at Artistic Movement has encouraged the development of self-discipline, creativity, confidence and independence. Christina, thank you for all you do!
~ Donna Griffen, Mom to graduates and Faculty members Grace and Julia
Part of the family since 2012
~ Kate Wade, Mom to dancers Heidi, Lexi, Tessa, and Quinn
Part of the family since 2015
Miss Christina and the staff at Artistic Movement have been incredible to work with! We have just completed our first season of dance at this studio after having trying out two other dance studios in the past few years and I’ve never seen my daughter happier or more excited for dance. Her confidence has increased exponentially, she looks forward to each class and comes happily bouncing out after each session. There is an emphasis on collaboration and mentorship within different levels and age groups, which I believe teaches the students tremendous life skills, even beyond dance. We are so grateful for this experience.
~ Jenne Todd, Mom to dancer Olivia
Part of the family since 2019
Christina Cannella is the kind of teacher that ever young artist needs. She instills in her students a love of work, technique and discipline that will carry them out into the world with confidence and skill, whether they choose to pursue the arts or not. Christina balances this drive with a thoughtful and playful exploration of movement that encourages her dancers to be more than choreographed puppets; she teaches them to be artists. I would highly recommend Artistic Movement for the excellent quality of teaching and training that Christina pours into her students. I have been consistently impressed with the breadth of skill that her dancers bring to their craft, both as an audience member and a choreographer. Beyond all this, Christina really cares and invests in her students. She will always have a special place in my heart.
~ Greg Borris, Artistic Movement Graduate 2011
Our daughter started at Artistic Movement in 2015, and we cannot say enough positive things about the studio. All of the teachers are engaging, patient, and supremely talented, which is evident during the year-end recital (which is truly a delight to attend)! The wide variety of classes has allowed our daughter to explore her creative and expressive side, and she looks forward to each and every lesson throughout the year. Her skill and confidence as a dancer continues to flourish, making her a strong and able young woman inside and outside of the studio. I cannot wait to see how she continues to grow and be inspired by her friends and teachers at Artistic Movement in the years to come!
~ Jennifer Tellier, Mom to dancer Amber Part of the family since 2015
Artistic Movement teaches creativity and the expansion of goals and boundaries beyond what any other studio has been able to offer me as a dancer. The work is strategic and the dancer’s personal goals are consistently developed whether in barre work, improv or choreography. I always felt pushed to do better than my best while also feeling supported by the staff and dance peers thanks to the beloved sense of community the team creates with the students. Not only did I jump head first off a recital stage front, but there was not a single doubt that I'd be caught on the way down.
~ Hayley Matheson, former Faculty Member and Artistic Movement Graduate 2012
It would be my wish that every child be given the opportunity to dance at least one season with Artistic Movement. Christina is much more than a dance teacher. She is an artist, a visionary, a mentor and an inspiration to young people whose kindness and compassion knows no limits. As a result, Artistic Movement is the birthplace of friendship, of creativity, of confidence and of respect. We are blessed to have this opportunity for the youth in our community. Thank you Christina! ~ Pam Thornton, mother of two lucky dancers Sophie and Emma Part of the family since
We are thankful to have been encouraged to “check out” Artistic Movements recital 7 years ago, to see if it would be the right fit for us. We were blown away by the performance as it is unlike any dance recital we had ever been to! Artistic Movement is more then a dance studio, it’s a family and we love how the young dancers look up to the senior dancers who lead by example. Mackenzie loves her time in class and we eagerly anticipate the recital each year!Thank you Miss Christina for creating a space that is safe, loving and encouraging.
~ Jennifer Pullen, Mom to dancer Mackenzie
Part of the family since
“Dancing is just discovery,discovery, discovery” Martha Graham.
Discovering who they were as young women, in a safe and inspirational place. Discovering the gift of an artistic community. Discovering how strong, how committed, how beautiful they are, where they believe in themselves and support one another. This is just a snapshot of what is Artistic Movement. Thank you Christina and staff.
~ Mary Dallan, Mom to Jenny and Megan, Artistic Movement Graduates 2015
Dancing at the studio for over 5 years now, Lila has grown and gained confidence in daily life and as a dancer. This comes from being on stage surrounded by peers and mentors who teach and support each other, and that can’t be replaced. Miss Christina and her staff have created an environment that is all inclusive, fun, and creative. The end of year show is always amazing and “Artistic”. To this day I can’t listen to Katy Perry’s “Firework” song without tearing up thinking of my tiny ballerina as a Paper bag Princess.
~ Dava Oliveira, Mom to dancer Lila
Part of the family since 2015
We have been with Artistic Movement since 2013. Both of our daughters began dancing here when they were three, and each year, they become closer and closer to this dance family they are so happy to be a part of. Christina and her staff provide the highest quality of technique and dance instruction, but that is not the only reason that we choose Artistic Movement; we know that when our girls go to dance each week, they are being taught far more than extension and strength. They are being taught how important it is to involve creativity, artistry, and trust in their lives. They learn that it is more than okay to take risks and be vulnerable because Artistic Movement is a safe place where they will be encouraged to do so without fear of failure. Artistic Movement teaches kids so much more than how to dance; it teaches them how to love dance.
~ Rich & Victoria Thompson, parents to Alanna and Fiona
Part of the family since 2013
This is my daughter’s second year at Artistic Movement with Miss Christina. Aleisha has had many opportunities to be under Miss Christina’s tutelage because of her involvement with community theatre and high school theatre programs. Since joining Artistic Movement’s dance family Aleisha’s confidence and ability to dance for Music Theatre has vastly improved. She loves going to class and dancing with her peers. Aleisha’s first term at dance was met with a tragedy that hit close to home. It was now her turn, our turn, to help or just be there for
others whom were grieving. This taught her to help and persevere when tragedy strikes and
not to give up or quit. The Show must go on!!! Thanks to Artistic Movement for great
experiences, with excellent teachers and fun times!!!
~ Elaine Brenneman, Mom to Aleisha
Part of the family since 2018
Our daughter, Chloe has been a dancer at Artistic Movement since 2015. We cannot thank Christina and staff enough for cultivating an inclusive atmosphere that fosters personal growth, self-confidence, creativity and a love of music and dance in all of their students. Chloe has not only become a stronger dancer but she has developed into a confident and caring young adult with the help of your approach. Thank you for the memories and lifelong friendships!
~Stephanie and Chris White, Parents to dancer Chloe, Artistic Movement Graduate 2019
When we were adopting our child some years ago, I prayed that we would be matched with a child who would want to try different activities that could enrich her life. Our wish came true. When I watch my daughter perform in the Artistic Movement Productions, I am overwhelmed with thoughts of appreciation. Appreciation for the quality of dance expression and instruction, appreciation for the dance community that she is part of, appreciation for the opportunities that my daughter has had to learn leadership skills and the opportunities that this studio embraces as its members come together to face/discuss real-life challenges. We never know the direction that each of our children's lives will take us. I am so very thankful that Artistic Movement has been a significant part of our lives for so many years and I always recommend other families to consider being part of this studio. It has been quite amazing, over the years, to watch the dancers mature into such strong, confident and graceful young adults. We have enrolled our daughter into many different types of activities, she found a home at Artistic Movement
~ Cathy Marray, Mom to Corinne
Part of the family since 2010
Our daughter has been dancing with Artistic Movement for three seasons now. Growing up a dancer myself, I was somewhat particular when choosing a studio. We could not be happier with our decision to enrol our daughter at Artistic Movement. The staff focus on technique but more importantly, the atmosphere encourages teamwork and respect for dance as an art form. This is evidenced by the absolutely AMAZING productions put on at the end of each year. They are truly spectacular and always follow an engaging and relevant theme. We are also very grateful for the exceptional staff who have always been patient and encouraging with our timid little dancer!
~ Lindsay King, Mom to Aven
Part of the family since 2016
It feels like Artistic Movement has been such a large part of our lives for many years. The dancers, their families and faculty have all felt like a second family to my girls. Grace and Julia have learned so much about dance but also about life during their years at Artistic Movement. They have made meaningful friendships and have had the opportunity to learn life lessons from a variety of strong women. Participating in the programs at Artistic Movement has encouraged the development of self-discipline, creativity, confidence and independence. Christina, thank you for all you do!
~ Donna Griffen, Mom to graduates and Faculty members Grace and Julia
Part of the family since 2012
94 Graham St. 2nd Floor
Woodstock, Ontario N4S 6J7
Instagram & Facebook: @artisticmovementdancecompany
Woodstock, Ontario N4S 6J7
Instagram & Facebook: @artisticmovementdancecompany